100 Days Reading Challenge #Day 19 #Radio Silence

Muller Blythe
1 min readOct 20, 2021

The same author writes Radio Silence and Heartstopper. Though i was first introduced to Radio Silence, I read Heartstopper first.

I really like Radio Silence just because I related to the protagonists. University, school, parents,

I am like Frances, I don’t really have friends. When I am at school, I don’t really talk to people. Though I sometimes talk to them, we do small talks and our conversations are always on the surface level. I somehow find them annoying and I don’t really consider them as friends. I am like Frances, I barely have any habit (though Frances has one which is drawing). But all I do is just watching YouTube and do some useless stuff. I don’t do varsity sports and I don’t work. I am like Frances, I have s wonderful relationship with my parents and I feel like my relationship with them is one of the few reasons why I’m able to survive in the world, or school.

I feel bad for Aled, for what’s been going through such as his issue with his mother and how he’s been asking his sister for help in silence. I also admire him for doing University City; it is a wonderful project and I genuinely hope I can do the same.

The book is relatable and easy to read. As a non native speaker, I really enjoy the book.



Muller Blythe

I am a 19 years-old gap year student. I want to document everything and share with the world!