100 Days Reading Challenge #Day 12 #雖然想死,但還是想吃辣炒年糕

Muller Blythe
Jul 7, 2021

I think there are many people nowadays that they feel unmotivated and struggling at work or school. And for those people, definitely give this book a read. The author also suffers many struggles that people nowadays suffer. The author is relatable, so I believe This book’s main use is to let people know that there are other people struggling, too. It’s ok that we are struggling and we can work slowly to recover. And everything will be ok.

The author is extreme and practices dichotomy. She cares about other’s opinions so much as well as her appearances. She envies others who are prettier than her. She wants to be the center of a group. She cares so much about friends, which sometimes pressure her friends. These topics are so relatable.



Muller Blythe

I am a 19 years-old gap year student. I want to document everything and share with the world!